The playground and the adjacent parking lot are currently closed for construction. Park grounds, trails, and facilities will remain open during normal hours.
After successfully raising $650,000, Friends of Holliday Park hired Taylor Studios to redesign the 2,000 square foot exhibit hall in the nature center. The new Habitat Hall focuses on the idea that ‘The Wonder of Nature is Yours to Discover and Share’ and serves over...
Friends of Holliday Park began an on-going effort to improve the trail system. Safety and erosion issues were addressed, and an overall emphasis on improving visitor experience was prioritized. Over the years, the historic Rock Garden has been renovated, many trails...
Friends of Holliday Park celebrates its 20th Anniversary and launches the ‘Priceless Asset In Need’ Capital Campaign with a goal of raising $3.2 million dollars to renovate the Ruins and Nature Center Exhibit...
The original wooden playground installed in 1992 came to the end of its lifespan. Friends of Holliday Park worked in cooperation with Indy Parks to raise over $500,000 to replace all the playground components with state-of-the art...
In an effort to fulfil John and Evaline Holliday’s wish that the park be used as ‘a place for recreation and the study of nature’, in 1995 Friends of Holliday Park launched a campaign to raise $5 million dollars to construct a nature center. Since opening, the...