Holliday Park and Nature Center
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Friends of Holliday Park

History of Holliday Park

The history of Holliday Park is deeply rooted in its unique landscape — the bounty of its flora and fauna and the people who graced it with their lives, their families and their efforts. During the 1916 centennial celebration of Indiana statehood, John and Evaline Holliday donated their beautiful country estate to the City of Indianapolis, expressing the belief that “the land is singularly suited to be a place for recreation and the study of nature.” Today, no matter what the season, activities abound in the park. In spring, hikers of all ages explore the trails looking for wildflowers and birds. Summer finds children enjoying the playground, working in the children’s garden and attending summer day camps. Year-around interpretive programs bring adults and families to the Nature Center, and school children from Indianapolis and surrounding counties come for spring and fall field trips.

In 2008, we can safely say that John Holliday’s vision of a park dedicated to recreation and the study of nature has been fulfilled.

For a detailed history, download Holliday Park History (PDF, 2.35 MB).

Holliday family home

Reka Dom was the country estate home of the Hollidays, and was located next to the space now occupied by the Nature Center.